Tuesday 29 May 2012

Elections 2012: Anger to Apathy

Wading through the controversy and petty arguments between labour and the coalition, the 2012 local elections really revealed the truth about the UK public's view of politics. Well, not politics, but our government specifically. Looking back to the beginning of the month, the seemingly insignificant vote of our local representatives proved how disillusioned the country really is- a 32% estimated turnout, according to the BBC the lowest since 2000. The question that we need to ask is what is it that is Cameron doing wrong here? Yes, we're not on the precipice of economic and entire meltdown here a la Greece, but the entire country seems disinterested.

Is an element of apathy creeping in to voters like second hand smoke, the product of disappointment and a lack of a voice? But, more importantly, how had labour won 823 seats?Their highest success since 1966. Have people forgotten the travesty of Blair following Bush blindly in to Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003? The conservatives are not to blame for this recession, the irresponsible lack of control labour had over the banking sector is. I'm  not supporting the conservatives here, but labour is no longer the worker's alliance of Edwardian England, they are not the good guys here. It seems that it is so easy to be fickle and shove blame on to the current government, but is advocating unstable governance really helping anything?

 If you must reject the government, don't reject politics entirely. Exercise your mind, keep hold of your beliefs and don't let apathy take you. Use your vote.